Monnaie Group International Commodities Trading

New Opportunities

What’s in store for Monnaie Group?

Monnaie Group is continually expanding and sourcing new opportunities across the globe. We are currently researching advanced mining exploration technology, new mining machinery as well as expanding our Mining operations.

Monnaie Group is a privately owned Australian Company specialising in global mining and commodity acquisitions.


Years in the Making

Years of research, hard work, building global networks, nurturing global relationships and sourcing global business deals have all been undertaken to get Monnaie Group to its current form. It is with heartfelt gratitude and happiness that Monnaie Group is now being launched.

Amazing Opportunities present themselves to us every day. Our highly skilled management team is always researching these opportunities and looking for viable business options to expand and grow our company and it’s network.


Specialising in Mining and Commodity Acquisitions

Monnaie Group specializes in mining and commodity acquisitions. We have a global network and infrastructure in place to buy and sell gold, diamonds, and other precious metals. We also have the infrastructure in place for gold mining operations in both Australia and internationally. If you wish to invest in any of these opportunities please contact us.


Buyers and Sellers


Buyers and Sellers

If you wish to speak to us in person please call 1300 066 662 for initial discussions